Are We Really Ready for Change?
- Posted by Clinton Chris
- Categories political
- Date July 2, 2021
- Comments 0 comment

It has been a lot of days which have ran into months since I last sat down to pen two or three articles for my blog, indeed with a lot of regrets,since the beginning of the year I have not been much active in this important part of life-writing. Life has been in progress though, nothing has changed though,its still the same old me-Clinton ; things have been happening some usual and expected while others unusual,unexpected and weired it is just that I did not sit down and “put them down on paper”. Expectedly of any writer,though I may not be a profound one,i regret not writing simply because their is more I have witnessed worth talking about within this period of time particularly in the national scene;particularlythe forthcoming general elections.
During this time I have seen friends turn foe. Foes turn friends; as usual we have no real Idealogies in our political scene. From wishy-washy individuals who all find the idea of becoming an MCA much lucrative than going to the Senate to defend the interests of the people; normal Kenyans who want to be represented from the grassroot level. The position of the MCA has made many flock into the political arena creating unnecessary pandemonium with no real ideas of what the people want; even goons who have been menacing and gouging the poor for their selfish interests found a way at least through which they could get their share of the ‘National Cake’ as they infamously refer to it. Some managed to go through the nominations successfully while others had no chance with the electorate. More interestingly others were denied the opportunity to peep through the doors of their party local offices,I believe you understand what am saying. They know themselves as I always say ‘Wanajijua‘ haha. Some funny enough even had more posters than the votes they got in their party primaries. ‘Wananchi hawapendi ujinga‘ , the people decided,they spoke,so to say.Do we really know the job description of an MCA (Member of County Assembly )and what this position entails? This question keeps boggling me. A story for another day.
Then there was the doctors’ strike which took almost a hundred days and much recently there has been over-inflation of basic commodities in the country including maize flour which is the staple food in our country. I can’t imagine going for days without Ugali; not in Kenya the land of my forefathers, the country I belong to. It is not normal that the solution for the over-inflated maize prices was found in 3 days, less days than it took them to solve the unrest with the Medical staff union. It is a clear indication that there is someone being played. Hoading of commodities??? Even the price of wheat flour became cheaper than that of maize flour. Is it normal? Or it is because they use wheat flour to stick their campaign posters on the walls of our rusty shanties? ; I heard some share such jokes . Kenya deserves better.
There also came a time when a fight against one of the Governors in Kenya became intensified than the fight against corruption in the country (I mean,we should start getting our priorities right). We have had a good run of drama from the issues revolving around the matter that it even exposed the rot in our academic system. It is quite fascinating that if the individual could not have crossed paths with the President this academic issue and paper forgery issue could not have been exposed. Though all that happened, I still feel that we have lost our priorities. The way that governor was fought and criticized from all fronts and corners by all the state machineries and all political bigwigs in the current regime should be the same way corruption ought to be tuckled and handled in the country. We even need to do more than that. Thieves who still chicken in the village are being roasted in broad daylight and languishing in our institutions of correction (I don’t like the name -prison) while those who loot huge sums of money from the tax payers hard earned money are being celebrated as heroes and heroines,some even being given party tickets to run for gurbernatorial positions,take Waiguru’s case for example. We deserve better leadership and governorship I still insist on this. Kenya is bigger than any individual. The solution for corruption is not ‘mnataka nifanye nini jameni’ it is ‘Pamoja tukandamize wafisadi‘, in that ‘Tuko Pamoja,ama namna gani?”
I have heard mixed reactions recently seeing the new Standard Gauged Railway trains ready to hit the rail – at least we have made a little progress in that area though.But is it worth it? Personally I would categorically say yes and no. Yes because at least we have a better Railway transport system than the one we had before which was steam driven and no because I am told Ethiopia used far much less money to construct a railway system which is far much more better than the one we are having today. Reading between the lines you can guess what happened-“tulicheswa!” I still insist that we deserve better. Kenya should never settle for less.
Reading from this article one would say it’s like I am being partisan, yes I might be partisan because I also have ideals and principles which I stand for hold dearly and are of fundamental value to me. Either,I am not being partisan, I would also oppose, I am a normal Kenyan who is disgruntled with the current state of affairs of the nation. It is very clear every Kenyan can see and conclude we are not headed to the right direction as some may assume. They will say ‘Tuko Pamoja‘ yet you are the ones suffering while they wine and dine in the high tables. Enjoying the hard earned money you paid as tax as you watch as spectators at Nyayo Stadium watching Mashemeji Derby chanting ‘Tuko Pamoja’. You are not together brothers and sisters, see your life. The two at the top are becoming richer every day as you sleep hungry every night. Some will say ‘We are protecting the Kingship‘ (the normal hype) yet they have never had any share of the royal cake. It is time we shun ethnic-based politics. Let’s think about Kenya, not the idea that my President should be Maasai, Kikuyu, Luhya or even Luo. It’s very impossible to have the kind of kenya we dream for with the mentality we have as Kenyans, but I still harbour a glamour of hope and light at the end of the tunnel that we Kenyans have realized that our future is on the line. The coming generations are counting on us. The future generations will hold us accountable.We are not going to settle for less.
Come 8th of August this year we have to make a better option,an option of positive change. It is now up-to all of us to take part in this historic change of events. The middle-class Kenyans particularly should be much decisive in this. I believe they are the ones who will play a very pivotal role in this coming elections.The poor who tend to be the majority I believe have already decided. I have an issue with the middle-class, don’t judge me wrong in this one. They are the people who will always be conscious about the trendy topics on social media, follow the Kardashians on Twitter, watch Real Husbands of Hollywood, follow up on every episode of Nairobi Diaries on K24 but when it comes to democratic participation they shy away. They say, “That’s not for me, even if I vote it wont add value to my life. I will live my life the same way no matter who becomes president”. That’s a fallacy we need to do away with, every single vote matters and count ,not voting equals voting in bad and rotten leadership. It will decide the future your next generation will have. Like in America, Trump is said to have won because of the majority of ‘good’ citizens who decided not to vote. Are you ready for change? Is Kenya ready for change? This is the question we should ask ourselves in this electioneering period. The change we want begins with you and me.
Vote wisely patriots.
Whereas I did my best to come up with this article on my blog ,any errors and ommissions published are subject to changes. Feel free to contact me on the same and give your comments and suggestions .
Tel: (+254)704226020.
The images used belong entirely to copyrighted owners, the author thereby does not own some of them.
Edited by : Evans Peter
© Clinton Chris